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Answer These 5 Questions for An Effective Social Media Strategy

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Social media is one of the best and most effective marketing channels today. Aside from its wide audience reach, most of these platforms are also free of charge which makes them perfect options for startup businesses in Singapore. But before you invest in any of these online marketing tools, get to know some of the basics on how to build a social media plan for your own company:

1. Why are you creating this social media marketing plan?
You can answer this by clearly defining your business objectives. Make sure that these are SMART goals – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Aside from knowing your purposes, you also get to devise different ideas to achieve your goals and build your social audience.
2. Who is your audience?
After your social media marketing goals, you should then identify your target audience in Singapore. This will help you find the right market and learn their interests which you can consider during business planning. You can also categorize your audience based on their demographics, industries, and personal goals for a more targeted marketing approach.
3. Where can you share your profile?
You can explore different social media platforms today but you must only use the right channels for your business. You should consider where your competitors are and where your target market is. Study these details and invest in the best social media marketing channels to maximize your reach.
4. What should you post and share?
Now that you have the initial details to start your social media marketing plan, then it is time to create your online content. You should curate your content based on your goals, market, and social media channel. These should be relatable and relevant to excite your audience. You should also make sure that you regularly share your contents for more engagement.
5. How effective is your social media marketing plan?
You can use different ways to measure the effectiveness of your marketing plan. These include data and reports of your profile clicks, page likes, content shares, and comments. You can also account for the number of followers and product leads or purchases you get online. These are essential performance indicators for the success of your business.

But if you’re after a more comprehensive social media marketing strategy, then you might consider hiring your social media manager. Visit OOm Singapore and experience the best social media marketing services from its agency in Singapore today.