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Cinematography In Singapore | Discovering The Secret Recipe For Effective TV Ads

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Is there a TV commercial from your childhood that you still vividly remember until now? Perhaps, there is a TV ad that made you buy the product it promotes. An effective TV ad and corporate video production in Singapore are memorable, attract the audience, and set the trend. 

Finding the right concoction for a successful TV commercial is hard. Is the secret in the story? Is it in the concept? Perhaps, it is in the music and cinematography in Singapore. 

Here are the ingredients for a successful TV commercial:

1.Be different

In a row of circles, be a triangle. Breaking the pattern is the easiest way to capture the audience's attention. The predictability of commercials makes them boring to the viewers. 

However, having an element of surprise by incorporating concepts beyond the norm makes your commercial a talk of the town. Top production houses in Singapore never run out of remarkable and creative concepts for your brand. 

2.Make your audience think

Another thing that makes your commercial a topic for many discussions is producing concepts that make your audience think. Many brands deliver thought-provoking messages to their audiences, such as gender equality and racial discrimination. 

Merely promoting a product, these TV ads raise awareness, open discussions, and take a stand regarding these issues. 

3.Warm the hearts

One of the oldest yet still effective secrets of a TVC production house in Singapore is the appeal to emotion.

The audience feels more connected to the brand if it appeals to their emotion. A TVC production and animation company in Singapore uses compelling story, music, and concepts, like social experiments, to warm people's hearts.


People have a shorter attention span today than before. If you can deliver your message loud and clear in just half a minute without messing up with your connection to the audience, then you are good to go.

It is time to think outside of the box when it comes to TV ads. 

Zeetrope, one of the top production houses in Singapore, can deliver creative, memorable, and out of the norm TV ad ideas. Visit Zeetrope today.
